One Week Till WordCamp Sacramento 2016 (and my first talk)

WordCamp Sacramento 2016 starts next Saturday, October 22nd, and my talk, “Rediscover Theme Settings with the Customizer” will be not only my first at a WordCamp, but also my first ever.

WordCamp Sacramento 2016

I decided I wanted to do more to give back to the WordPress community so I submitted my proposal not really sure what to expect. When it got accepted I was really excited, and scared, and happy, and nervous. As with any new public speaking foray I went through all of the emotions but now that I’ve prepared my talk and my slides are almost ready I’m fully prepared and expect a great time.

I decided to talk about the Customizer after working with it on a few theme projects. I started researching all of the capabilities of the Customizer and also saw a lot of great features that are in the works for future releases. It wasn’t too hard to get going with it and I wanted to share my experiences and also help get people who might be familiar but not aware of the newest features.

Last year’s inaugural Camp was my first and now with two days of learning it’s going to be a busy weekend fun and learning

Here is the interview WordCamp Sacramento did with me after my proposal was accepted.




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