I’ve made a few changes to my site today. The first of which was a big one, I decided to move the blog to a subdomain and not be the front page of the site. I struggled with what my blog was and what I wanted to put on there (I’m still struggling since my interestes are so varied) so I decided that my schizophrenic posts were not the optimal first impression I wanted to make.
Unfortunately as I write this I don’t have a link to the blog from the home page, or a link to the actual home page from the blog, but those can be jobs for tomorrow 🙂
I’ve been doing a lot more tutorials and courses over at Tuts+ and I found one today titled “Build a Responsive, Single Page Portfolio with Sass and Compass” by Jim Nielsen. I found the tutorial very clear and descriptive, and also gave me a chance to work with Compass for code compiling which I quite enjoyed. I’ll probably look for more learning opportunities for Compass and other CSS compilers.
Here’s what I got after going through the tutorial which is my current home page.

The tutorial added a section in the middle that showed your most recent shots from Dribble. I enjoy Dribble quite a bit but I am not yet a contributor so I removed the section after I got it working with the media from the authors account. I plan to add some portfolio pieces in the middle but I’ll work on that in the coming weeks.
I also plan to make changes to my blog theme as well. I was drawn to the colors and the simplicity of Gavick’s “MeetGavern” theme but I think I need something different and more in line with what I end up with as the look of the main page.
I also have Pearl’s portfolio site to finish up as well as designing a blog for a fake newspaper reporter to promote a friends movie, and I still have to write up and post my pictures from last week’s Beer Week so there is much to do and seemingly less time than ever to do it all.
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